The ICD, Mandideep was established in the Industrial Area, Mandideep, vide Notification No. 53/2005-Cus.(NT) dated 14.07.2005. The Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, CBEC, has notified “ICD at Mandideep” for unloading of imported goods and loading of Export goods. The Commissioner, Customs & Central Excise, Bhopal vide Notification No. 01/2005 dated 30.09.2005 declared the Customs Area in respect of Inland Container Depot, Mandideep for storage of containers and goods contained therein imported / received through the Gate way Ports and for stuffing of import cargo as per Section 8 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962).

Further, vide Public Notice No. 11/2005-Customs dated 30.09.2005 the Commissioner, Customs & Central Excise, Bhopal appointed M/s. CONCOR Ltd., as the Custodian of imported goods and export goods received at ICD Mandideep under Section 45 of Customs Act, 1962.

The Inland Container Depot, Mandideep became operational w.e.f. 01.10.2005 and the first containerized export took place on 28.10.2005. From a humble beginning of only 42 TEUs of export cargo in 2005-06, it has shown a manifold increase during 2006-07 and 2007-08.

The Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue has extended the Duty Free Import Authorization Scheme vide Notification No. 40/2006-Cus dated 01.05.2006 and also amended the Notification Nos. 4/ 2006-Cus to 43/2006-Cus all dated 05.05.2006 to extend the other Export Promotion Schemes to ICD, Mandideep.

After Rolling out of GST, the work of ICD Mandideep is being supervised by the Commissioner of Customs, Indore.

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